2020 Lent Recap

What a season of Lent we have had! I’m sure we will never forget the last month+ as the time when COVID-19 swept across the world and left us closing down in-person meetings.

Since Lent was “interrupted” by the corona virus, I’d thought it would be helpful to provide a recap of our sermon series, “To the Finish.” Below you will find links to either listen to or watch each sermon. A brief summary of each sermon is also provided.

We chose our theme “To the Finish” to coincide with our planned Good Friday Tenebrae service cantata “It is Finished.” We were unfortunately unable to have this event. Each sermon is based on an event that happened on each day during Holy Week, thus walking us through the events “to the finish,” to the cross.

Lent recap.png

Monday: Cleansing the Temple - In this sermon Pastor Brett Boe begins the Lenten sermon series by examining the cleansing of the temple by Jesus. We were called to true repentance and faith, not abusing our place of worship.

Tuesday: Fig Tree - Through the cursing of the fig tree, Jesus taught His disciples lessons on prayer that can be received by us today.

Tuesday: Parables - Jesus shared a number of parables during Holy Week, but we zoom in on the parable of the vinedressers in this sermon. Pastor Brett shows how our lives can produce fruit as we are connected to Jesus.

Tuesday: Questions - In this sermon (the first sermon we recorded in light of our cancellations due to the COVID-19 crisis) Parish Assistant Alex Woodworth fleshes out the two greatest commands that Jesus gave in response to a question He was asked on the Tuesday of Holy Week.

Wednesday: Plot - We take a look at the plot to kill Jesus, both from the perspective of the religious leaders and from the perspective of Judas Iscariot. Why does God allow this to happen?

Thursday: The Upper Room - Pastor Brett wraps up the Lenten sermon series with a sermon on the event of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. Through God’s Spirit at work in us, we too can serve others around us.

BONUS!! While not technically part of the Lenten preaching series, I did mention in my Palm Sunday sermon “Crowds” that this event was actually “episode one” in the Lenten series, happening before all of these events as a kickoff to Holy Week.

Stay tuned for more content on Good Friday and Easter Sunday!