Worshipping Indoors Fall 2020

As we prepare to kick off another “school year” of ministry, I thought I would provide an update about worshipping at King of Glory Lutheran this Fall 2020. We enjoyed many outdoor worship services this past summer, but now that the weather will be turning to colder temperatures, we will be worshipping indoors from here on out. We pray for the stop of the spread of COVID-19.

Here is a summary of what to consider as you join us to worship the Lord.  If you have any questions, please contact me or any Council member.

  • If you show signs of sickness, or are at high risk for sickness, we strongly encourage you to stay home.  There is no shame in making this decision.  Our priority is the safety of every congregational member. 

  • In light of the “mask mandate” from Governor Walz, we ask that you wear a mask. If you do not have your own, we have masks available.

  • Hand sanitizer will be stationed in the entryway alongside the bulletins and the basket for tithes & offerings (we won’t pass the offering plates during our worship service). 

  • In order to meet capacity requirements and maintain physical distancing, every other pew will be roped off.  We have opened the glass doors in the back of the sanctuary so that people can sit in the entryway and still participate in the worship service. There are rows of chairs and a few couches to sit on. Once these areas are filled up, there is an overflow area in our fellowship hall where with speakers to hear the worship service.

  • Six feet of physical distancing between households will be kept.  (A “household" is a group of people that live in the same house, which could be a single person, a couple, or parents with children, etc). 

  • We ask that everyone enter and exit the church building through the main entrance.  The side doors will be locked. The main entrance doors and doors to the sanctuary will be propped open.  The Council will serve as ushers, greeting you outside the main entrance and helping each household find a seat in the sanctuary meeting the physical distancing standards in the point above. We ask that you come right into the sanctuary.  

  • The drinking fountain will be roped off.  The restrooms will be available for use, but one household at a time.  A sign on the door stating, “Please knock before entering. Only one household at a time” will be on each restroom door.  Please wash your hands appropriately. 

  • At the conclusion of the worship service, we ask that everyone safely exit the building, keeping physically distanced between households.  There will be no coffee or donuts served.  If you would like to fellowship with each other, you may do so outside in the parking lot or church yard, keeping a distance of six feet between households.

May the Lord bless us this year as we are strengthened in our faith as we gather together around God’s Word and the fellowship of God’s people!

in Christ,

Pastor Brett Boe